Human Resource Development

You are unsatisfied with the Human Resource Development in the company! Human Resource Development is a strategic corporate task!

The competition for the best talent is the decisive factor for success. The ability to attract employees, to retain and develop a successful team will be the most important advantage of the future.

With the HR Strategy Analysis 360° I offer you a systematic examination of the skills and potential of your HR management with regard to the strategic success of your company.

I am a licensed HR Strategy Consultant of the German Institute for Sales Competence.

My services for you

  1. HR Strategy Analysis 360° + workshop
  2. The purpose of the analysis is to examine and diagnose the competences of employees.
  3. In the holistic analysis, both the evaluator group, the managers and the employees are involved, if necessary internal or external customers as well.
  4. The analysis procedure examines the 3 decisive success factors for personnel success:
    • Corporate focus
    • Strategic HR development
    • Leadership

With the HR Strategy Analysis 360° you receive a precise analysis for your current HR management and important ideas for the further development and improvement of HR competence.

Request your free initial consultation!